Mon 27 Jan
★❤ ▄▀▄❤ NEW PICS!!! ❤ ▄▀▄▄❤ SEXY❤ ▄▀▄▄❤ BOOTY LOVERS❤ ▄★▄❤BLONDE❤ ▄★▄▄CALL NOW!!!❤ ▄▀★▄❤★ - 23
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA $$$$100 Incall $$$$ IN AND OUT)
THE HOTTEST TS LOOKING PLACE come too Brownfield tx its worth the Drive Face in the Pillow Booty up - 30
(BROWNFIELD INCALL Alfresco BOOTY, Midland / Odessa)
💋 UPSCALE 💋 ▓▓OuTcAlL SpeCiAlS ♥ BlOnDe BEAUTY💋 ▓◆ BEST★ LOOKING ◆💋 ▓▓ InCaLl Sⓟⓔⓒⓘⓐⓛs 💋 - 22
(Midland / Odessa, odessa)
🍬🎭 THE▐ ▐ 🎭🍭 CANDY▐ 🍬▐ STORE▐ 🏰 IS 🍑▐ NOW 📆 🍒▐🎢 OPEN▐🌹 🎠🍓🍭🍬 📞 📲☎📨🎊🎏🎉🎂🎁🎆 - 21
(Midland / Odessa, Business Loop 20 And JBS)
♥ ξvε®ϒ₮ΗϊπG Ύόϑ Dεδϊrε ♥ βϑδty βrunεttε βθmβδhεll ♥ amαzϊng cϑrvεδ ♥ єхhílαrαtíng Viχεη ♥ - 29
♥ ♥ ♥***U*NEED*** V3RY DISCR33T!!!! ***F33L* LIKE* A***KING***♥ ♥ ♥ - 25
(Midland / Odessa, midland/odessa)
~**PeTiTe**~ ~**TaTTooEd**~ ~**GoDDeSS**~ ~**$pEcIaL$**~ ~**TiL**~ ~**6AM**~ - 21
(Midland / Odessa, your place)
Mon 13 Jan
❤ A ▓ B ▓ S ▓ O ▓ L ▓ U ▓ T▓ E ▓ L▓ Y ❤ S▓ T▓ U ▓ N ▓ N ▓ I ▓ N ▓ G ❤ ----- HiGHLY REViEWED - 26
(Midland / Odessa, outcall only)
&; IM YUR$ROLL-PLAY SWEET-HEART$ Back By Popular Demand ❈ Sizzling Special❈ - 20
(Midland / Odessa, odessa/midland)
Sun 12 Jan
🍏🍏 GENTLEMENS CHOICE 🍏🍏 Abliene Selection Of Ladies 🍏 Asian Filipino Caucasian Latina and More🍏 GENT - 30
60 SpEcIaL!! (HOTTIE ALERT!!) Drop Dead GORGEOUS, Sexy, Thick, FREAK - 23
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA)
$100 SPeCiALs ❤ ▄▄▄ ❤ L e t ' s °•❤•° M a k e °•❤•° M a g i c ❤ ▄▄▄ ❤ $ 100 SPeCIALs - 25
(Midland / Odessa, midland incall)
Sat 11 Jan
❆*❅• °o♥o° Model Looks❆*❅• °o♥o°δωεε† ₰ Cυr√γ~•❀•~ Sexy Brunette!! ~•❀•~ - 22
(Midland / Odessa, midland/odessa)
💋 L✪✪K ❤ ❤ SEXY ❤ ♥ NEW ★ ♥• NAUGHT¥* ❤. ✨💜✨ Pяєttу ƒяσm ĤĔÁĎ.✧ŤŐ:✧ŤŐĔ ✨ - 21
(Midland / Odessa, Midland incall Available🚗Outcall Aswell)
◤◢ ◤◢ ◤ ☎️📞❗️CAŁŁ Ń⭕️W❗️📞☎️ 😉⚠️JU!C¥ K!ŦŦ¥k@t 😻 💦 E✖ΘTiC 🌴🌴🍍grEEN EYED ŁATÍNA💛💜38DDD SÊXŸ CÛRVËŚ◢ ◤◢ ◤◢ - 21
(Midland / Odessa, ‼️Midland Incall/Outcalls Everywhere🏨🏡🚗💨)
$$$AsiA$ im back Midland Big Spring surrounding areas - 23
(Midland / Odessa, Midland Big Spring Surrounding areas)
》》AVAiLAbLe NoW《《SEXy ❥ y0UNG ❥ WiLD ❥ L@TiN@ FRE@K☰ *CAUTi0N: HiGHLY ADdiCTiVE 100 SpECiaL
(Midland / Odessa, IN MIDLAND IN/OUT)
Fri 10 Jan
💋in CALLS 💋 💟 🌴EBONY PUT 💕💟 ME🌴 💕💟 ON 💕💟 YOUR 💕💟 🌴 TO 💕💟 DO 💕💟 LIST 🌴 💋 💋 - 23
Lindsey is back ●●♡●● Just arrived●●♡●● Don't Miss Out ●●♡●● Specials - 22
(Midland / Odessa, Midland Ic)
IN ODESSA NOW MATURE TEXAS Woman, u & me we can be Gasoline & Matches EXPLOSIVE - 52
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA ODESSA ODESSA)
💋❤💋 GeNTleMANS CHOICE ★ •°o♥o °•STuNNInG★ •°o♥o °• UPSCALE BruNeTTe 💋❤💋 - 21
Thu 09 Jan
Odessa Enjoy the 👑finer things in life💎 and spend some time with 💃JaDe💋 - 29
(Midland / Odessa, MY SHEETS OR URS💦💦💦)
Wed 08 Jan
{⑤ ★ PŘθVîĐξŘ} ♋ ——♀{ĂŁŁ Åδδ & ŦiŦŦŸδ} ♂ {Ñξω 2 ŦØωŊ}♀ —— {IηĈåŁŁ ØηŁŸ} - 27
(Midland / Odessa, NEW 2 ODESSA (INCALL ONLY))
MIDLAND In/Out SPECIALS!! Dont Be SHY cus Im NOT!! 972/802/8181 - 21
(Midland / Odessa, I-20 & Grant Ave. Mine or YOUR place)
~*~*~*~*~* BIG ROUND BOOTY 38DDD latina wants to play with you ~*~*~*~*~* - 23
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa & Midland)
•❤•_____ •❤• ___ •❤• CUUrVy •❤• BUUStY •❤• BLue EyEd •❤• BoMbShELL •❤• CoMe WaRm Up!!! ___ •❤• - 22
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa / JBS)
Tue 07 Jan
CALIFORNIA GIRLS!! $ugar and $pice* Naughty or Nice !DBL Trouble!! - 22
(Midland / Odessa, Midland/Odessa)
💓ODESSA 💓100% All Real Pics💓BODYRUBS 💓 Curvy Redhead💓 Ask About Pic/Video PACKAGES💗💗 - 31
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA - JBS&20)
Mon 06 Jan
♡♥♡ Specials $pecials `°Last night im just What u Have a TastE FoR ♡♥♡ Hot a SpiCyyY - 25
(Midland / Odessa, My place or yours)
█╪╪█ B O M B S H E L L █╪ Y O U N G █╪╪█ R E A D Y ♡ F O R ♡ F U N ★█╪╪█ C A L L ☏ M E █╪╪█ - 21
(Midland / Odessa, Incall-Outcall Odessa/Midland)
100% Real Veronica! 562-473-5787!!! Now In Odessa!! 🎶🎵Beautiful Music - 26
(Midland / Odessa, West Texas)
$65💋$65💋#1TOP NOTCH Sweet Ebony TREAT ▬▬▬ Young🍡🍭🍬🍡 TIGHT ▬▬▬ Tender🍬🍭🍥 💋65💋65💋65 NEW - 22
(Midland / Odessa, MIDLAND/ODESSA)
(:(:(: (:(:(: 4HAND MASSAGE :):):) ** bY ** (:(:(:(: SeXy AsIaN gIrLs :):):):) $80 1hr - 21
(Midland / Odessa, (((( midland / odessa ))))))
So Juicy, Tight, Sexy Latina. 100HHR INCALLS. What the customer wants ;) - 21
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa)
❶—- NEW —— ★ █ { SUPER AWESOME GIRL } █ ★ —-NEW—— ❶ - 24
❤♔ Q▒U▒E▒E▒N▒ ♔ D▒R▒E▒A▒M▒ ♔ has the 💋 S▒W▒E▒E▒T▒ 💋 C▒R▒E▒A▒M▒ 💋❤ ~I kN0w U hAvE A sWeeTt00Th!!~! - 23
(Midland / Odessa, InC☏ll/OutC☏ll to ALL surrounding areas!)
Hott *****NeW ***** Blonde ******* Bombshell ***** 100% REAL ***** 806-340-7734 - 26
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA TX)
╭ღ╯ 【LeT's】▬【MAkE╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ 【YoUR】▬✿★✿▬ 【DREaMs】╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ 【BEcOmE】▬❎❎❎▬【REALITY】 A MuSt Sεε
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa)
❤ L✪ ✪K .❤ █ (¯`'·. ¸☆¸. ·'´¯) ☆ SEXY BLONDE BARBIE ☆ (¯`'·. ¸☆¸. ·'´¯) █ ❤ L✪ ✪K INCALL SPECIAL - 24
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA/MIDLAND)
Freaky Beauty💋1000% REAL PRETTY & PERFECT ★ [Always Ready 2 Play ] Mixed• CUTiE W/ A BOOTY ★ 💋 - 24
(Midland / Odessa, Midland incalls)
$80 SPECIALS 👉☎️CALL ₦Ø₩☎️💦$120 ₦ẠỤĠҤŦ¥ ₦ẸVẠ ŁØØKẸÐ $Ø ₦ł₡Ẹ💦$160❤ >5🌟Service💦😘❤ 💕🔥$200 - 24
(Midland / Odessa, Midland INCALL Only)
💙💋Avalible 24/7 💘😘In town for Limited Time 😻😍Beautiful Puerto Rican babe 😻😍 - 19
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa)
Sun 05 Jan
🍆💦W E T Fun💦💦 Available NOW✔ Thick & Nasty👙💙 Here 2 Please😉 Discreet FREAK💞💋 - 22
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa)
╚»♥ KINky WhiTe & LaTina ((HiGHLy ADDiCTiVE)) TREAT y0URSELF !♥« - 21
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA-MIDLAND)
LaTe nIgHt sPeCiAls ▀▄▀▄ ❤ HOT ❤ SEXY ★- ❤ BLONDE ▄▀▄▀its me or its free— ▄▀▄▀ - - 24
(Midland / Odessa, /Midland/MIDLANDincalls/outcalls)
( HoT ))♥_= C_A_T_C_H = ( ME ) =_♥_= W_H_I_L_E = ( U ) = C_A_N♥SPECIALS NOW!!! - 22
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA surrounding areas!!)
(¯`'+ * FLAWLESS * + '´¯) (¯`'+ PETITE'´¯) (¯`.¸+ SEXY MIX WHITE/ EBONY FREAK - 21
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA/MIDLAND)
It`s pla¥ Tim€ §eductive Bubbly Brunette♥ ——— •☆• §✪€ XY_ §W€€✞ _ & _ H✪†† •☆ ★ Jui℃y ASSests - 31
(Midland / Odessa, Midland In/out)
60 Spl! FETISH L♥VERS;' #1 Pick ⎷ ⎛ THICK ☆ . •* Freaky GODDESS - 23
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA INCALL)