Sat 11 Jan
~*~.. BUSTY SeDuCtiVe KINKY KINKY PLeaSuRes ..~ *~.. (( *!* OnLY HERE TODAY *!* )) .. ! ** - 24
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa and midland)
♡ HoT & ReaDY 4 U ♡ CuPCaKe KNoWs HoW 2 Do iT RiGHT ♡ 100% ReaL♡ 575-496-4828 ♡40DDDs ♡CALL NOW ♡ - 40
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA I20 & 385 ♥ AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW ♥)
♥ experience a new feeling 💋 escape to ecstacy 💞 with the best 🌟 reviewed & verified - 27
(Midland / Odessa, odessa)
💟 Fun Blonde 💜 AVAILABLE NOW 💟 Now 💚 ✔ Me Out 💟 INCALL ONLY 💜 - 22
(Midland / Odessa, odessa only odessa)
♡ HaPPy HouR SPeCiaL♡ CuPCaKe KNoWS HoW 2 Do U RiGHT ♡ 100% ReaL♡ 575-496-4828 ♡ 40DDDs ♡ CALL NOW ♡ - 40
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA I20 & 385 ♥ OUTCALL AVAILABLE ♥)
Big Springs Hottie.. Candy Kisses..Big Springs Only Available Now Available All Night - 24
(Midland / Odessa, Big Spring)
👑 BLONDE BABE WiTh A FaT BoOTy👑 U 🍭🍭 gOttA 🍬🍬 HaVe 🍦🍦 tHis 🍨🍨 SuGaR 🍭 - 22
(Midland / Odessa, Incalls Odessa💰100 all Day)
🚫💋❗ Call now! NEW #!🚫💋❗WHITE HOTTIE 🚫💋❗ FREAKY 🚫💋❗ BUSTY 🚫💋❗ - - 19
(Midland / Odessa, on your mind ♥)
come enjoy the company of a grown experienced seductress. last night here - 35
(Midland / Odessa, 20)
♥[[ GoRGeouS ]] ♥ [[ TeMpTiNG ]] Winter♥Fling [[ All NaTuRaL ]] ♥[[ GiRL NeXT DooR]] —♥ - 25
(Midland / Odessa, Incalls-Business 20 & JBS /Outs All Over)
~*•°•*~ HaNdS DoWn * I'm ThE BeSt tHeRaPiSt ArOuNd!! My * BODY * IS YOUR PLAY GROUND!! ~*•°•*~IN/OUT - 28
(Midland / Odessa, BIG SPRINGS ONLY!! IN/OUT CALLS!!)
★•:.•:*.• Have Your Cake And Eat It Too!60$ 80$ &100$ Specials ★•:.•:*.• - 21
(Midland / Odessa, midland/odessa/bigsprings)
💥💥⭐️🔥Hot Hot 🔥⭐️💖✨The Exotic Princess👑💞💋 💯% Real 🌟CALL NOW✨🔥😘💥 - 24
(Midland / Odessa, midland/odessa)
█ ◤◢◤◢◤╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯FIVE STAR BRUNETTE ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯UPSCALE ◄•••╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ CLASSY╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯BEAUTIFUL ◢◤◢◤◢◤◢ █ - 21
(Midland / Odessa, Midland/Odessa)
GorgeOus ModeL..SofT BrowN SkiN..LusCiouS LipS..WiLd PaSSionaTe SkiLLs .. - 26
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa)
♡ HoT & ReaDY ♡ LeT CuPCaKe B uR PLaYMaTe ♡ 100% ReaL♡ 575-496-4828 ♡ 40DDDs ♡ CALL NOW ♡ - 40
(Midland / Odessa, ♥ ODESSA I20 & 385 ♥ READY RIGHT NOW ♥)
🌟🌟 HOT TeXaS BLondE 🌟 SweeT & SeXY 🌟 AmaZinG BodY & SkiLLeD 🌟 100% ReaL! 🌟🌟 - 21
(Midland / Odessa, MIDLAND in&outcalls;)
BiG BOOtY BlONde 🍭 1OO% ReaL P¡Cs 🍦[SWEET AS CANDY]🍦🍭•💋• [ K¡NkY & JU¡CY ] •♥•�• [★★ $1OO SPEC¡AL★★ - 23
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa No Fake Here All Real)
HEY there Gentlemen im Nikki the Best of The Best Satifaction Guaranteed📞 - 25
(Midlaessa Discreet Incalls Also Outcalls, Midland / Odessa)
**¡^ Come Take A riDe on The WILD side ^¡** Sexy,, Freaky ,, And waiting for You:) - 18
(Midland / Odessa)
BBW-Accept no Imitations. Experience & Maturity Counts-$50 HH-Odessa - 48
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa East 2nd st)
📈 hEaRt rAcInG 👍 f i n g e r • l i c k i n g G✿ ✿ D ≈ ι и c α ℓ ℓ → → o υ т c α ℓ ℓ ツ - 26
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa)
♥ ̡Ӝ ̨̄ ♥⇨F®Ef@K¥ ⇨ ♥ ̡Ӝ ̨̄ ♥ ⇨F®Ef@K¥ ⇨ ♥ ̡Ӝ ̨̄ ♥ ⇨F®Ef@K¥ ⇨ ♥ ̡Ӝ ̨̄ ♥ ⇨F®Ef@Ky - 25
(Midland / Odessa, - incalls/Out calls)
▶ ▷ CLICK • HERE ← ✦ A $ $ for days ✦ A ● MUST ● SEE ☜ ☜ $80 hh incall - 27
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa)
CuRvy RuMp * BrUnettE * wIth * BaDD gIrL Wayz * PurE saTisFacTion GuaRanTeed !!!! - 22
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA IN/OUT)
Exotic 👑 QUEEN the BEST no doubt call DONT settle 5072180729 - 20
(Midland / Odessa, Where ever YOU are)
★•__ ▒BEST▒ ___ •★• ___ ▒LOOKING▒ ___ •★• ___ ▒EVER▒ ___ •★___ ▒CALL▒___ •★___▒NOW▒ __•★ - 20
(Midland / Odessa, out)
~#~*~#~* ♥FrEaKy ♥As♥ ♥ YoU ♥ ♥WaNt ♥♥ Me♥ 2 ♥ B* - 20
(Midland / Odessa, midland/odessa/andrews/monahans areas)
»-★-» ☏ CALL NOW! ☏ »-★-» ▄❤ SIMPLY❤ ▀▄▀▄❤ SWEET ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ TREAT ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ - 20
(Midland / Odessa, Midland)
Hey EvenThough I SFG Left YourArea I'mCurrently in ALBUQUERQUE,NM InCase You're Heading That Way Too - 27
(ALBUQUERQUE 9DaysOnlyVipUpscaleNoThugs, Midland / Odessa)
Asiaa 💄🎀😍 Mix Breed 😘 Naughty 💦🍑 Yellow 🔥 Treat Yourself NOT Cheat YOURSELF 💕 - 20
(Midland, Midland / Odessa)
Want Out of the Life? We Can Help. 1-800-551-1300
(Abilene, Amarillo, El Paso, Lubbock, Midland / Odessa)
TeXaS TS KaTiE BloNdE @ iTs BeSt! ARrIViNg SoOn BoOK ApPtS NoW! - 26
(Midland / Odessa, MIDLAND/ODESSA)
♥ When Experience & Class Matters! ♥ Stunning, Real! Playmate. Just Arriving!! - 22
(M.I.D.L.A.N.D in 🌺out calls👑, Midland / Odessa)
HOTTEST TS in town!❤ Un4orgetable❤ Beauty ❤ Youtube VIDEO PROOF! REAL! F/F! - 22
(Midland / Odessa, odessa-midland)
BLONDIE GOT 🇲💋🇺🇹🇭 👅 ₷₭ⓘ🇱🇱z 💋 ₮H₳T 🇰ⓘ 🇱🇱🔫 WoNt✋StOp. UnTiL The LaSt D r Op💦 - 23
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa)
Perfect 🔟 I am👇 Better Than ➹Her➹ 👉💖👈 ➷Her➷ And ➹Her➹ 👆 Don't Believe Me❓ Come N See💖 ‼️ - - 21
(Midland / Odessa, Midland tx)
×X× TOTALLY ×X× H؆ k& K¡Nk¥ (Slipp/erry *bu$ty blond€) FR€AK¥ AMAZ!NG SK!LLZ ×Xx - 32
(Midland / Odessa, Midland ( loop 250/191) 0ut'calls Avail.)
Y O U R*———————* S E X Y *——— * D I R T Y * * L I T T L E *————* S E C R E T - 20
(Midland / Odessa, In/out)
Young 💄🇺🇸 👠Classy ⭐️S.e.xy👄 blonde 👙petite 🔥Like new - 23
(Midland / Odessa, Nice, clean,discreet,warm)
D o N t*** S e T t L e *** 4 *** L e S s........ I m*** T h E *** B e S t**Leaving @ noon - 23
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA)
Beautiful 😘😍Lovely Latina 😉Ready For Outcalls & Incalls 💕💕 - 25 - 25
(Midland / Odessa, Midland/Odessa)
💋 Âb§OLut€Ly •*¨¨*• ÂmÂzInG •*¨¨*• •*¨¨*• 5*§tÂr •*¨¨*• pLÂyMÂt€ CaLl NoW 👑💎💄🎊 - - 21
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa(incall))
Ӝ̨̄° °BrEaT╠╣TaKiNg ° ° ╠╣E•♥•ART° ° __ RaCiNg __ ° ° BOmS╠╣eLL ° ° ̡Ӝ̨ - 22
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa)
(( 💖 💋 BRUNETTE 💖 💋 )) :: :: (( 💖 💋BUNNY 💖 💋 )) :: :: (( 💖 💋 AVAiLABLE 24-7💖 💋 )) **MIDLAND** - 20
(Midland / Odessa, i/c in MIDLAND & outcalls anywhere)
:::: $-60 TH£ .... # 1 .... DR@FT .... CHO!C£ :::: (( MIDLAND )) - 27
(Midland ( IN & OUT ), Midland / Odessa)
Candii• T H E ♡ ♥♡ B E S T ♡ ♥♡ I S ♡ ♥ ♡ H E R E ♡ ♥ ♡C A L L ♡ ♥ ♡ N O W ♡ ♥♡*$70* - 22
(Midland / Odessa, JBS & Parkway)
♡♥100$ Outcall Specials♡♥DaRe 2 ☞ £✪✪K •••••••►☆§EXY MIxEd DReAM☆ - 21
(Midland / Odessa, midland/odessa (surrounding areas))
1OO% Mε ▬▬▬▬▬ δε∂υ©†¡√ε ♥ δωεε† ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ßυδtγ ♥ ßεαuty ▬▬▬▬▬▬ Cl@δδγ ♥ Cυr√γ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ tεmpt¡ng ♥ tαδtγ - 29
(Midland / Odessa, MIDLAND AREA)
Fri 10 Jan
UPSCALE 🔥NEW 👍💋Big Booty💋 💯% SUPER FREAK✔✔SpEcIaLs 🎈 AVAILABLE NOW!!! 🎈 👅 Best Lips - 25
(Midland / Odessa, Midland Midland Midland)
Yo girl roxy slippery over here don't be shy come n play hmu@ 713 two 5 six 10 ninety;) - 19
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa)
New number ! Earlybirds? Hard working men? Available now??💋(915)996-2319. - 25
(Midland / Odessa, odessa incall outcall too)
Odessa/Big Springs Hottie.. Want Fun im the One..Big Spring Only Available Now Available All Night - 24
(Midland / Odessa, Big Spring)
READY NOW 💦 100% REAL ❤ тιgнт & jυιcy ♥️ U*N*R*U*S*H*E*D ♥️ BRUNETTE ♥ BEAUTY ❤ preттy pιnĸ ĸitty - 29
(Midland / Odessa, Midland in or out)
♥ ♥*♥-:¦: Natalie Sky ~*-:¦:-*• Sexy Hot Blonde *-:¦:-* Highly Reviewed 316*779*5918 ♥*-:¦:-* - 24
(Midland / Odessa, Midland)
NEW ♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ•☆• _P € R F € C T _ BLONDE •☆•_ C H O i C € ♥ ̡Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ UP LATE! ♥ CaLL NoW ♥ - 21
(Midland / Odessa, Midland/ Odessa (in&out;))
°💖°•° ★•OUTCALL LUSCIOUS°💖°•° ★• PETITE °💖°• 🌟•°★ £X0TiC LaTinA°💖 °•° ★ °• BRAND NEW!!! - 20
(Midland / Odessa, od mid)
NEW BoMBsHeLL **** IN ToWN •*¨¨*•- ¦:-•* LOOKS•☆• GOOD•☆• FEELS •☆• EVEN •☆• BETTER •*¨¨*•- ¦:-•* - 18
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa, Tx)
New in town sugar and spice and everything nice ready to have a good time - 24
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa)
(((NeW PiCs))) ★§IMPLY ☆ IRR£§I§TIßL€ ☆° No ★ReGrETS °☆ Call Me ♥Dior♥ - 18
(Midland / Odessa, Midland Incall)