Sun 05 Jan
★《 LuCky YoU Def NoT aN AnGeL》5★★★★★ #1 SiNNeR★ (spaNKaBℓε αSS )★ - 22
(Midland / Odessa, OUTCALL pesos,monahans,midland,springs,)
MIDLAND In/Out SPECIALS!! Dont Be SHY cus Im NOT!! 972/802/8181 - 21
(Midland / Odessa, I-20 & Grant Ave. Mine or YOUR place)
M_A_D_E __ o★o° _ F_O_R_ °o★o° _Y_O_U_R_ °o★o° _P_L_E_A _ S_U_R_E!☆G U A ® A N T € € D ☆100%RealPics - 19
(Midland / Odessa, odessa tx)
•§💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣øィ petiteρℓαγmαィε •♤• Come Play with mE ♡ ♧ ♡ $ ♥432-250-8753 - 20
(Midland / Odessa, odessa/ midland)
▒ ░ * * L✪ ✪K *•.❤* ░ ▒ ▓ ♥•♥ •♥• ABSOLUTELY ★ SEXY•♥•♥ •♥ ▓ ❤.•* L✪✪K *•.❤ SARA HABLO ESPANOL - 23
(Midland / Odessa, incall/outcall JBS)
IL((( )))((( )))k :-)JuIcYyY * BoOTay * SpeCiaLs Up* All NigHt!!! - 25
(Midland / Odessa, midland odesssa)
★ Naturally *B U S T Y* _____ ♥ Sweet N Sexy ♥ _____Your #1 GirL CoNNiE - 30
(Midland / Odessa, midland/in/out)
I am a Married Mans Best Kept Secret!! - 19
(Abilene, Amarillo, El Paso, Lubbock, Midland / Odessa, anywhere you want me!)
(~*♥*~) —°*°— K—N—O—C—K —°*°— O—U—T —°*°— C—U—T—I—E —°*°— (~*♥*~) UP ALL NIGHT - 19
(Midland / Odessa, Midland Odessa)
Hot Latina*** Always rEaDy tO Please *** All DaY & NiGht Specials **AvaiLaBle Now!!! *** Call Now - 23
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa)
Midland $100 special ♥ KINKY ☆ NÂUGHT¥ ☆ H¡GHLY §K¡LL €Ð ☆ R €ÂП T §ÂTi§F¥ ☆ ♥ Im BaCk - 26
(Midland / Odessa, Midland incall outcall everywhere)
♡ I May Not Be Mrs. Right ♥ But I Will Be Your Mrs. Right Now ツ incalls • outcalls - 26
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa)
JADE💋Viscious && Delicious💋60.90.120 INCALL🚕 🇹🇮🇬🇭🇹🇪🇷 Than 🅰NEWBORN 🚼80 HR. - 22
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa Tx, Business 20 *INCALLS ONLY)
❤️💋 Miss Natalie 💋❤️ In & Out ❤️💋 CALL ME 💋❤️ Not Me It's FREE ❤️💋 - 21
(Midland / Odessa, In & Out)
Lastday in midland wall street Sade lets have some fun specials all day😘💋💖 - 24
(Midland / Odessa, Midland)
★☆★Im In Big Springs Tonight★☆★ Available Now!!! Relaxation & More ♥Ƹ♥ CALL NOW!!! - 27
(Midland / Odessa, Big Springs)
H¡ghl¥ ®€©omm£nd€d Exclu$ive! 💼Executive High clas$🍸 young LADY👜let$ get down to buisne$$💏 - 33
(Midland / Odessa, Midland Area In/Out ...will Travel)
♥:: :: (( ♥♥ HOT ♥♥ )) :: (( ♥♥SEXY LATiNA ♥♥♥ UPSCAL£ COMPANiONSHiP ♥♥ )) :: 💋💋💋 - 23
(Midland / Odessa, Midland)
I_ _N_ _N_ O_C_ _E_ _N_ _T_ _U_ N_ T_I _L_ _ _P_ R_ _O_ _V_ _E_ _N__F_ _I_ _LThY - 22
(El Paso, West)
Let Me Show You A Good Time 100 Specail is back this week Inn Calls Only!!!!!!! - 19
(Midland / Odessa, Your Place or Mine!!!!)
🌅 Good MORNING 🌟Sweet Blonde bombshell 💣💥💥💯% Real PICS & Excellent REVIEWS🌟 - - 22
(Midland / Odessa, 📞 call for Incall info)
—♥— [[ LAST Day Here ]] — ⓑⓤⓢⓣⓨ—♥— [[ WHITE LATINA HOTTiE ]] —♥—— [[ SUpER SEXi ]] —♥—[LETs PLAy]] - 23
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA/MIDLAND)
[•GØØD G¡RL GØN€ ßÂD•] €×°¢÷!¢ [I'm. NØTH¡NG L¡K€ †H€ ®ES†] [CØM€ PU† MI SkiLLs 2 TH€ †€§†] - 19
(Midland / Odessa)
♥Independent ♥———————♥ BLONDE ♥————————♥B E A U T I F U L♥—-——————♥R E A L P I C S♥—————— ◆ ◆ ☎ - 18
(Midland / Odessa, odessa/midland)
❦IM BACK iN tOwN NOW☆ ✦Miss✦❦ _:¦:-✦DIAMOND✦✦ _ NEW PiCS -:¦:- ✦✦REVIEWED✦ - 24
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa incall_ out calls 24/7)
*****HOT *** AMAZING *** MILF***new in town and ready to play!!!****** - 35
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa)
•;*:• I GO •:* :A_b_O_v_E __ & __ B_e_Y_o_N_d __ T_h_E __ R_e_S_t_ •:*:• ExCeEdiNg EXPECTATIONS •:* - 20
(Midland / Odessa, Midland Wall St.)
* •❤• * GoRgEouS & STuNNiNG PLaYMaTE * •❤• * SExY CuRVeS * •❤• * HAvE Me YOuR WaY * •❤• * - 18
(Midland / Odessa)
•★••★• bUUstY •★• PeTitE •★• cUUrvY •★• sWeET N sPicY •★• ReAL PicS •★••★• - 21
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa/ 338 LOOP/ JBS)
Candii 432 -260 -3391 ╰ღ╮ Your Dream Girl .. Waiting to Make All Your Fantasies .. REALITY ╰ღ╮ $70 - 22
(Midland / Odessa, JBS & Parkway)
Crystal & Girlfriend Ready to Play ! LMTD> TIME ONLY!!/ 2girl ShOws - 23
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa/Midland in/outcalls)
In and out calls😘Available 😍CALL! 😍 (432)296-0850 —× Gorgeous face💋Sexy Body !💋 - Hablo Espanol ** - 22
(Midland / Odessa, odessa)
🔥❤️GrAc3 the A1 Bad Girl . #1 CHOICE❗👌 GrAc3 BLOND3 FR3NCH GODESS 🔥❤️ - 22
(Midland / Odessa, ODESA)
I'm Back ______________ ★ BLONDE PLAYBUNNY ★ _______________ ALL time favorite - 21
(Midland / Odessa, Your place or mine)
《 G ę ŋ ţ ℓ ę mę ŋ 'ş C ђ o̶ į ç ę 》 ㄧㄧㄧㄧ { √ ιp P ℓα y m α † e̶ } ▶ Ι ŋ ç α ℓ ℓ ş • • $100 - 27
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa)
★•:.•:*.• Have Your Cake And Eat It Too!60$ 80$ &100$ Specials ★•:.•:*.• - 21
(Midland / Odessa, midland/odessa/bigsprings)
✨✨✨✨E X O T I C ✨✨ Hot LATINA ✨✨NeW In tOwN ✨✨ ✨✨ - 20
(Midland / Odessa, ododessa jbs parkway and 20)
BlAck bEauty ..juicy booty ...anY n everytHing goes. lEt's play special 60 :-):-)! ASK - 21
(Midland / Odessa, odessa/midland)
♡HaPPy HouR DeaL ♡CuPCaKe WiLL MaKe SuRe UR SaTiSFieD ♡ 100% ReaL♡ 575-496-4828 ♡40DDDs ♡CALL NOW ♡ - 40
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA I20 & 385 ♥ AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW ♥)
♡ HoT & ReaDY ♡ LeT CuPCaKe B uR PLaYMaTe ♡ 100% ReaL♡ 575-496-4828 ♡ 40DDDs ♡ CALL NOW ♡ - 40
(Midland / Odessa, ♥ ODESSA I20 & 385 ♥ READY RIGHT NOW ♥)
BELLA BABY *•°•* SO MaNy ChOiCes BuT NoNe LiKe Me!! *•°•*Love to please!!! ((sweet specials)) - 28
(Midland / Odessa, *•°•* IN/CALLS ONLY *•°•*)
♥ »——» ★ŸES Y˧ YE§.. ★ I LØV€ WH@T Ï Dø =&= IM GøØd At IT TOØ ★ ★ »——»❤☎CALL NoW - 29
(Midland / Odessa, IN/OUT CALL'S {IN/CALL SPECIAL'S ONLY!!})
❌❌❌ CERTIFIED❤.•°○•.●♡ ↙💋. SEXi BuStY BaBe🍒 StraWBeRRy 💞↘ BLonDE ↙ 💖↘ Avaliable ↙💋.•°○.●💗 ↙ - 21
(In/OUTCALLS Odessa/Midland, Midland / Odessa)
Dont Waist Your Time With The Rest! You Deserve The Best!! NEW IN TOWN!! Dont Miss Out! - 20
(El Paso, El Paso Area)
⚡️ CLiCK H€R€! ⚡️)💕☁ 🇭🇪🇦🇻🇪🇳 ⛅ 🅾🇳⛅🇪🇦🇷🇹🇭⛅🔝 BÖMBSH€LL! ★ ★ - 21 - 22
(Midland / Odessa, andrews pecos kermitt and other areas ☆)
&^^New in Town&** Upscale Spanish Beauty I can Show you Better than I could Ever Tell You
(Midland / Odessa, incall)
🔥💦Blonde hair Bye EYED Beauty💦🔥↗️Gentlemans Choice↖️👙🐰SnowBunny👙🐰 - 22
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa/midland)
•?*•° ((Ebony-Babe)) °o©•° ((=passionate=)) °•?©•° ((=Exciting=)) •°o©•° - 36
(Midland / Odessa, Midland/Odessa Tx)
*•💚•* BeSt oF THe BeSt! *•💚•* GoRgeOUs BooTy! *•💚•* ALL AMeRiCaN BeAuTy! *•💚•* *•💚•* *•💚•* *•💚•* - 23
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA)
Ӝ̨̄° °BrEaT╠╣TaKiNg ° ° ╠╣E•♥•ART° ° __ RaCiNg __ ° ° BOmS╠╣eLL ° ° ̡Ӝ̨♥ - 22
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa)
COME PLay with your favorite girl-( Dream ) ,I'm waiting on u,new in town.... - 25
(Midland / Odessa, Midland)
(( 💖 💋 BRUNETTE 💖 💋 )) :: :: (( 💖 💋BUNNY 💖 💋 )) :: :: (( 💖 💋 AVAiLABLE 24-7💖 💋 )) **MIDLAND** - 20
(Midland / Odessa, i/c in MIDLAND & outcalls anywhere)
&; IM YUR$ROLL-PLAY SWEET-HEART$ Back By Popular Demand ❈ Sizzling Special❈ - 20
(Midland / Odessa, odessa/midland)
💎60-80-140✨UpscaLe F l a w l e s s 💅🌟ωαηԵ Եø ρℓαy💰📞Caℓℓ 💌Now💫Highly Recommended 🌟 - 21
(Midland / Odessa, ❣Midland, Odessa, Surrounding❣)